Chapter 8: Eternal Brahman

Arjuna said: O Krishna, what is Brahman? What is Adhyatma? What is Karma? What is called Adhibhoota? And what is known as Adhidaiva? (8.01)
O Krishna, who is Adhiyajna, and how does He dwell in the body? How can You be remembered at the time of death by the firm minded? (8.02)
Lord Krishna said: Brahman is the Supreme Being or Sat that always exists. The basic nature of Brahman is called Adhyatma. The creative power of Brahman that causes expansion of all beings is called Karma. (8.03)
All mortal beings are called Adhibhoota, and various expansions of the Supreme Being are called Adhidaiva or Divine Beings. I am Adhiyajna residing as Ishvara in all beings, O Arjuna. (8.04)
One who remembers Me exclusively, even while leaving the body at the time of death, attains the Supreme Abode; there is no doubt about it. (8.05)
Whatever object one remembers as one leaves the body at the end of life, that object is attained. Thought of whatever object prevails during one's lifetime, one remembers only that object at the end of life and achieves it. (8.06)
Therefore, always remember Me and do your duty. You shall certainly attain Me if your mind and intellect are ever fixed on Me. (8.07)
By contemplating Me with a firm mind that is disciplined by spiritual practice, one attains the Supreme divine spirit, O Arjuna. (8.08)
The one who meditates on Brahman . at the time of death with firm mind and devotion . as the all-knower, the controller, smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest, the sustainer of everything, and unimaginable; (8.09)
And make the flow of Pranic impulse rise up to the middle of two eye brows by the practice of meditation and hold there; attains the Supreme divine spirit. (8.10)
I shall briefly explain the process to attain the Supreme goal which the sages who are freed from attachment achieve; and desiring which people lead a life of celibacy. (8.11)
When one leaves the physical body . by controlling all the senses, focusing the mind on God and bringing the inhalation to the top of the head, (8.12)
while meditating on Me and uttering AUM, the sacred sound of Brahman . attains the Supreme goal. (8.13)
I am easily attainable, O Arjuna, by the firm minded yogi who always thinks of Me and whose mind does not go elsewhere. (8.14)
After attaining Me, the great souls do not incur rebirth in this miserable world because they have attained the highest perfection. (8.15)
The dwellers of all the worlds . below the world of Brahma, the creator . are subject to the miseries of repeated birth and death. But, after attaining Me, O Arjuna, one does not take birth again. (8.16)
Those who know that the duration of creation lasts 4.32 billion solar years and that the duration of destruction also lasts 4.32 billion solar years, they are the knowers of the cycles of creation and destruction. (8.17)
All expansions come out of the subtle body of Brahma  during the creative cycle, and they merge into the same during the destructive cycle. (8.18)
The same multitude of beings come into existence again and again at the arrival of the day of Brahma, and they are destroyed, inevitably, at the arrival of Brahma's night. (8.19)
There is another eternal state of existence or Purusha that is higher than changeable material nature, Prakriti, that does not perish when all beings perish. (8.20)
This state is also called the eternal Brahman. This is said to be the ultimate goal. Those who reach My Supreme abode do not take rebirth again. (8.21)

This Supreme abode is obtainable by firm devotion to Me, within which all beings exist and by which all this universe is pervaded. (8.22)
O Arjuna, now I shall describe different paths departing by which, during death, the yogis do or do not come back to the mortal world. (8.23)
Passing gradually after death, through Devas of fire, light, daytime, the bright lunar fortnight, and the six months of the northern solstice of the sun, yogis who know the Self attain supreme abode (8.24)
Passing gradually after death, through Devas of smoke, night, the dark lunar fortnight, and the six months of southern solstice of the sun, the righteous person attains heaven and comes back to earth again. (8.25)
The path of Self-knowledge and the path of darkness thought to be the world's two eternal paths. The former leads to nirvana and the latter leads to rebirth. (8.26)
Knowing these two paths, O Arjuna, a seeker is not confused at all. Therefore, one should be resolute in attaining salvation — the goal of human birth — at all times. (8.27)
One who knows all this knowledge goes beyond getting the benefits of the study of the Vedas, performance of sacrifices, fasting, and charities, and attains the Supreme eternal abode. (8.28)

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