Chapter 3: Path of Nishkama Karma

Arjuna asked: If You consider acquiring spiritual knowledge is better than working, then why do You want me to engage in this horrible war, O Krishna? (3.01)
You seem to confuse my mind by contradictory words. Tell me, clearly, one thing by which I may attain the Supreme. (3.02)
Lord Krishna said: I had stated a twofold path of spiritual discipline in the past . the path of Self-knowledge for the thinking persons and the path of  KarmaYoga for all others. (3.03)
One does not attain freedom from the bondage of Karma by merely not doing any work. No one attains God by merely giving up work. (3.04)

Because no one can remain idle even for a moment. Everyone is forced to action, helplessly indeed, by the forces of nature. (3.05)
Anyone who controls the senses but mentally thinks of sense pleasures is called a pretender or a hypocrite. (3.06)
The one who controls the senses by the trained and purified mind and intellect, and engages the organs of action to Nishkama Karma-yoga, is superior, O Arjuna. (3.07)
Perform your necessary duty, because working is indeed better than sitting idle. Even the maintenance of your body would not be possible without work. (3.08)
Human beings are bound by work that is not done as a selfless service to others or Yajna. Therefore, do your duty very well as a service or Seva to Me without attachment to the fruits of work. (3.09)
Brahma, the creator, in the beginning created human beings together with Yajna and said: By serving each other you shall prosper and Yajna shall fulfill all your desires. (3.10)
Nourish the Devas with Yajna, and the Devas will nourish you. Thus helping one another you shall attain the Supreme goal. (3.11)
The Devas, nourished and pleased by Yajna, will give you the desired objects. One who enjoys the gift of Devas without sharing with others is, indeed, a thief. (3.12)
The pious ones who eat after sharing with others are freed from all sins, but the impious who cook food only for themselves verily eat sin. (3.13)
The living beings are born from food, food is produced by rain, rain comes by performing Yajna. The Yajna is performed by doing Karma. (3.14)
The Karma is prescribed in the Vedas. The Vedas come from Brahman. Thus the all-pervading Brahman is ever present in Yajna or service. (3.15)
The one who does not help to keep the wheel of creation in motion by sacrificial duty and enjoys sense pleasures, that sinful person lives in vain, O Arjuna. (3.16)
The one who finds pleasure with the Self only, who is satisfied with the Self alone, for such a Self-realized person there is no duty. (3.17)
Such a person has no interest, whatsoever, in what is done or what is not done. A Self-realized person does not depend on anybody . except God . for anything. (3.18)
Therefore, always perform your duty to the best of your abilities without worry and selfish attachment to results. By doing work without attachment one attains the Supreme goal of life. (3.19)
King Janaka and many others attained Self-realization by Karma-yoga. You should also perform your duty with a view to guide people and for the welfare of the society. (3.20)
Because, whatever noble persons do, others follow. Whatever standard they set up, the world follows. (3.21)
O Arjuna, there is nothing in the three worlds . earth, heaven, and the lower regions . that should be done by Me, nor there is anything I need to gain, yet I engage in action. (3.22)
Because, if I do not engage in action all the time, O Arjuna, people would follow My path in every way. (3.23)
These worlds would perish if I do not work, and I shall be the cause of confusion and destruction of all the people. (3.24)
The ignorant work with attachment to the fruits of work for themselves, but the wise should work without attachment for the welfare of the society. (3.25)
The wise should not disturb the mind of the ignorant who is attached to the fruits of work, but should inspire others by performing all works efficiently without attachment.  (3.26)
All works are being done by the Gunas  of nature, but due to ignorance people assume themselves to be the doer and thus incur Karmic bondage.  (3.27)
The one who knows the truth about the role of Gunas in getting work done, does not get attached to the work. Because he knows that it is the Gunas that get their work done by using our organs as their instruments. (3.28)
Those who are mislead by the Gunas of nature, get attached to the works of the Gunas. The wise should not disturb the mind of the ignorant whose knowledge is imperfect. (3.29)
Do your prescribed duty, dedicating all work to Me with a spiritual frame of mind, free from desire, attachment, and mental grief. (3.30)
Those who always practice this teaching of Mine . with full faith and without criticism . become free from the bondage of Karma. But those who find fault with this teaching or do not practice it, should be considered ignorant, senseless, and confused. (3.31-32)
All beings follow their nature. Even the wise act according to their own nature. If we are but slaves of our own nature, then what is the value of sense-control? (3.33)
Raga and Dvesha  for the sense objects remain in the senses. One should not come under the control of these two, because they are two major road blocks on one's path of Self-realization. (3.34)
One's inferior and defective natural work is better than superior unnatural work. Even death in carrying out one's natural work is useful. Unnatural work produces too much stress and prevents one’s growth. (3.35)
Arjuna said: O Krishna, what impels one to commit sin or selfish deeds as if unwillingly and forced against one's will? (3.36)
Lord Krishna said: It is the  Kama. Lust becomes anger if it is unfulfilled. Lust is unsatisfiable and is a great devil. (3.37)
Kama is the intense desire for sensual pleasures, power and wealth. As the fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror by dust, and as an embryo by the membrane, similarly the Self-knowledge gets covered by Kama. (3.38)
O Arjuna, Jnana gets covered by this impossible to satisfy fire of Kama, the eternal enemy of the wise ones. (3.39)
The senses, the mind, and the intellect are said to be the seat of Kama. Kama . with the help of the mind and senses, misleads a person by covering Jnana. (3.40)
Therefore, by controlling the senses first, kill this devil of Kama that destroys knowledge and reasoning. (3.41)
The senses are said to be superior to the body, the mind is superior to the senses, the intellect is superior to the mind, and Atma is superior to the intellect. (3.42)
Thus, knowing the Self to be the highest, and controlling the mind by the  Self-knowledge, one must kill this mighty enemy, lust with the sword of true knowledge of the Self. Don’t let this spoil your soul’s journey. (3.43)

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