Chapter 14: Three Gunas of Nature

Lord Krishna said: I shall further explain to you the supreme knowledge, the best of all knowledge, knowing which all the sages have attained supreme perfection after this life. (14.01)
Those who have taken shelter in this knowledge attain unity with Me, and are neither born at the time of creation nor suffer at the time of cosmic destruction of the universe. (14.02)
O Arjuna, My Prakriti or the material nature is the womb wherein I place the seed of spirit or Purusha from which all beings are born. (14.03)
Whatever forms are produced in all different wombs, O Arjuna, Prakriti is their body-giving mother, and the Purusha is the seed or life-giving father. (14.04)
Sattva or goodness, Rajas or activity, and Tamas or inertia; these three Gunas of mind bind the eternal soul to the body, O Arjuna. (14.05)
Of these, Sattva, being calm, is enlightening and ethical. It binds  Jeevatma by attachment to happiness and knowledge. (14.06)
Rajas is characterized by intense selfish activity and is born of desire and attachment. It binds the Jeeva by attachment to the fruits of work. (14.07)
Tamas, born of inertia, confuses Jeeva. It binds by ignorance, laziness, and excessive sleep. (14.08)
Sattva attaches one to happiness, Rajas to action, and Tamas to ignorance by covering the knowledge. (14.09)
Sattva dominates by suppressing Rajas and Tamas; Rajas dominates by suppressing Sattva and Tamas; and Tamas dominates by suppressing Sattva and Rajas, O Arjuna. (14.10)
When the lamp of knowledge shines and purifies all the organs of our body, then it should be known that Sattva is predominant. (14.11)
Greed, activity, restlessness, passion, and undertaking of selfish deeds takes place when Rajas is predominant, O Arjuna. (14.12)
Ignorance, inactivity, carelessness, and confusion are born when Tamas is predominant, O Arjuna. (14.13)
One who dies during the dominance of Sattva goes to heaven, the pure world of the knowers of Supreme. (14.14)
When one dies during the dominance of Rajas, one is reborn as attached to action; and dying in Tamas, one is reborn as ignorant or as lower creatures. (14.15)
The fruit of good action is said to be Sattvika and pure, the fruit of Rajasika action is pain, and the fruit of Tamasika action is ignorance. (14.16)
Knowledge arises from Sattva; desires arise from Rajas; and carelessness, confusion, and ignorance arise from Tamas. (14.17)
Those who are established in Sattva go to heaven; Rajasika persons are reborn in the mortal world; and the Tamasika persons, abiding in the lowest Guna, go to hell or are born as lower creatures. (14.18)
When one perceive no doer other than the power of  the Gunas; and know the Supreme which is above and beyond the Gunas; then a person attains nirvana.  (14.19)
When one rises above the three Gunas that originate in the mind; one is freed from birth, old age, disease, and death; and attains nirvana. (14.20)
Arjuna said: What are the marks of those who have risen above the three Gunas, and what is their conduct? How does one rise above these three Gunas, O Lord Krishna? (14.21)
Lord Krishna said: One who neither hates the presence of enlightenment, activity, and confusion nor desires for them when they are absent; and (14.22)
The one who remains like a witness; who is not moved by the play of Gunas, thinking that the Gunas only are operating; who is firm and does not waver; and (14.23)
The one who depends on the Lord and is indifferent to pain and pleasure; to whom a clod, a stone, and gold are alike; to whom the dear and the unfriendly are alike; who is of firm mind; who is calm in criticism and in praise; and (14.24)
The one who is indifferent to honor and disgrace; who is the same to friend and foe; who has given up the sense of doership; such a person is said to have risen above the Gunas. (14.25)
The one, who offers service to Me with love and unshakable devotion, rises above the Gunas and becomes fit for God-realization. (14.26)
Because, I am the basis of the immortal and eternal Brahman, of everlasting Dharma, and of the absolute bliss. (14.27)

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